논문 싸이트 검색해보니 상지와 외측상과 부위의 통증을 주 증상으로하는 radial tunnel syndrome이라는 최근 논문이있어서 정리한 사진입니다.

사실 이번주 주말에 대전에서 대한일차진료학회 통증아카데미 강의가 1박 2일로 있습니다.

요번에 새로 추가된 슬라이드 만드면서 찾아본것입니다.  

Radial tunnel syndrome is a disease which we should consider it in elbow and forearm pains. It is diagnosed with lateral elbow and dorsal forearm pain may radiate to the wrist and dorsum of the fingers. The disease is more prevalent in women with the age of 30 to 50 years old. It occurs by intermittent compression on the radial nerve from the radial head to the inferior border of the supinator muscle, without obvious extensor muscle weakness. Compression could happen in five different sites but the arcade of Frose is the most common area that radial nerve is compressed. To diagnosis radial tunnel syndrome, clinical examination is more important than paraclinic tests such as electrodiagnsic test and imaging studies. The exact site of the pain which can more specified by rule of nine test and weakness of the third finger and wrist extension are valuable physical exams to diagnosis. MRI studies my show muscle edema or atrophy along the distribution of the posterior interosseous nerve. Although non-surgical treatments such as rest, NSAIDs, injections and physiotherapy do not believe to have permanent relief, but it is justify undergoing them before surgery. Surgery could diminish pain and symptoms in 67 to 93 percents of patients completely.

Posted by 순천 아나파적맥통증의원

순천 조례동에 위치한 아나파적맥통증의원입니다. [원장] 한재오 심장 혈관 흉부 외과 전문의 [전화번호] 061 721 0046 전남 순천시 조례동 1721-8 남강빌딩 5층 아나파적맥통증의원 (국민은행 길 건너편 5층)
순천 아나파적맥통증의원
